Tuesday 5 August 2014

Find An Experienced Scottsdale DUI Attorney For Your Best Defense

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Scottsdale Arizona, it is extremely important that you find yourself an experienced lawyer to help you through the process. Maricopa Country (where Scottsdale and Phoenix are located) is one of the worst place in the country to get convicted of a DUI offense. A Scottsdale DUI attorney will be able to make sure that your rights are protected throughout the process and ensure you get the representation you need. 

Getting arrested for DUI is a serious offense anyway, and one that you need to take very seriously. Without a good lawyer working on your behalf, chances are you will be facing a hefty fine, jail time, points on your license, license suspension and other penalties. How you handle your case will have implications for many years to come.

Finding a lawyer with experience handling DUI cases is extremely important. You will likely be facing charges for the DUI while also having to deal with licensing issues, such as a suspension. These are both very different areas that need to be addressed simultaneously. Making sure you have a lawyer with the expertise to manage all details of your case as well as comply with strict deadlines while formulating a defense can make a huge difference in the eventual outcome and penalties you will face.

Arizona has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country and making sure you are prepared for your hearing is essential. Whether you need representation in Scottsdale or Phoenix, the right lawyer is going to be important to your case. Did you know that an experienced Scottsdale or Phoenix DUI lawyer can even work to get some charges dropped?  There is absolutely no reason to try and go it alone in the hopes of just making the situation go away.

A good local DUI lawyer will work hard at putting together a defense for your case. You might think there is nothing a lawyer can do to help your situation, but that's where choosing the right lawyer can make all the difference. In fact, you would likely be very surprised at what having an experienced Scottsdale DUI attorney can do for the eventual outcome of your case. For example, your lawyer can help formulate a defense specifically targeting the facts of your case. Whether this is your fist conviction or you have been arrested for DUI before, making sure your case has a good defense is an essential part of getting your case handled as quickly and efficiently as possible. Why take on more burden than necessary? You already have enough problems. Choose an experienced DUI attorney and let them help.

You can start searching for DUI lawyers in Scottsdale by browsing through Avvo Website, and then do some background research on any of them that you're thinking of hiring on the Arizona Bar website. Remember to never hire a lawyer until you have done a full background check on them. Your life is in their hands.

Monday 4 August 2014

Aggravated DUI In Arizona

When you drive under the influence, you put yourself and others at risk of serious harm or death. For this reason, the action is considered a serious crime. While you might think that driving while intoxicated is bad enough, the state of Arizona actually has a more significant charge on the books - Aggravated DUI. If you find yourself charged with the crime, your only hope of staying out of jail is to contact a Phoenix DUI lawyer. If you fail to do so, you might find yourself suffering some of the consequences that are listed below. 

What is an Aggravated DUI?

This is a form of DUI that is considered more serious than its more typical cousin. People who are convicted of the crime fall into one of three categories. The first are those who are habitual DUI offenders - they have three or more DUIs on their record in the last seven years. The next are those who commit the crime with a bad license (that is, a license that is cancelled or suspended). Finally, the crime also covers those who commit a standard DUI with a child under the age of 15 in the vehicle.

Why it Matters

If you are convicted of the aggravated form of this crime, you face significantly harsher penalties than if you were convicted of a standard DUI. Losing your license and a fine will be the least of your worries - you will also have to worry about a year or more in prison. After all, this form of DUI is more commonly known as a felony DUI. Those who commit the crime not only face time in prison, but also have to deal with the loss of liberty that comes with being convicted of a felon. If you value your freedom, being convicted of this crime can be a very scary proposition.

What You Can Do

It is possible to fight an aggravated DUI charge, but you can't do it on your own. Such a charge requires the help of a Phoenix DUI lawyer - a lawyer who not only deals with DUIs, but specializes in this sort of case. If you find yourself on the wrong end of an aggravated DUI charge, always make sure that you get help from a professional. Failure to do so can see you facing significant time in jail - and it can absolutely ruin your future.

Click on any of the links on this page for further information.

Find The Best Phoenix DUI Attorney

A Driving Under the Influence or DUI arrest in Phoenix, Arizona and its surrounding areas in Maricopa County is no joke, but a serious and draining experience in every way. The information on phoenix-dui-lawyer.org can guide you through this difficult journey and help you select the best possible Phoenix DUI Attorney to prepare a winning defense.

What to know before choosing a DUI lawyer:

Phoenix DUI Attorney
Firstly, understand that DUI laws in the state of Arizona are intricate and not to be navigated alone. Also, DUI laws vary from locality to locality. It's important to retain an attorney who thoroughly understands the Phoenix DUI laws.

In addition, a defendant will deal with both a city court case and a DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) case or administrative hearing on the status of his driver's license. A Phoenix DUI lawyer must have the experience and legal expertise to guide his client successfully through both kinds of cases. 

Second, understand that all DUI penalties are stiff. Whether charged with Regular DUI, Extreme DUI or Aggravated DUI, convictions are life-changing events. Penalties will involve some combination of:

  • Jail time (or tent city time) 
  • A breathalyzer in the car 
  • Large monetary fines 
  • Suspension of driving privileges for various amounts of time

Characteristics of a good Phoenix DUI Lawyer 

Given the seriousness of a DUI arrest, the defendant needs the best DUI attorney to take charge of his case. This means a lawyer who:
  • Is experienced (number of cases, number of guilty and not guilty verdicts, years in Arizona law)
  • Knows the laws (is properly credentialed)
  • Has a reputation of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness
  • Presents an estimate of client's costs in writing before beginning the case (includes possible additional fees, trial or no trial costs)

An outstanding DUI lawyer will also be upfront about the probable outcome of the defendant's case as well as what is worrisome and/or positive about the details of the defendant's particular situation. 

To get as complete a picture as possible of a DUI lawyer you're thinking of hiring, read online reviews from actual clients and also check the attorney's credentials on azbar.org. This is the website for the State Bar of Arizona and gives information on the lawyer's geographical area of practice and license, record of any disciplinary action and whether or not he is an actively-practicing Phoenix DUI attorney. 

Finally, good client-attorney communication in a DUI case is so important. Your first consultation should be free, and the lawyer should be open to answering any and all of the client's questions.

For more information and for more articles, go to the main Phoenix DUI Lawyer Guide.